Introducing Allah
Introducing Allah
Prophetic Seerah
Prophetic Seerah
Fiqh of Worship
Fiqh of Worship
Money Matters
Money Matters
Change Lives with Knowledge
Introduce Allah to hearts worldwide,
and support those in need.

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Why Donate?

• Educate the Community
• Support the Needy
• Fund the Da'wah

Access to our exclusive Islamic Resources
Words Unspoken. 
Our Powerful Islamic Film 
An Ertifa Production. 
Supported by Al Dinar.
Our Story
Money comes and goes, but what you spend for Allah lasts forever.
With over a decade of studying and teaching Islam—and witnessing the challenges facing future generations—Al Dinar was established to introduce Allah to hearts worldwide and support those in need. The name "Al Dinar" signifies wealth spent in His Path, as an investment in His worship that brings you rewarding returns. It is also to dignify the recipient as the name 'Al Dinar' is associated with honour.
Our vision is to bring you closer to Allah ﷻ by advancing Islamic education and development globally. Guided by لا إله إلا الله, we invest in the worship of Allah ﷻ and empower those in need, striving to build a self-sufficient Muslim community through specialised initiatives based on the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Our Impact So Far
• Since inception, we have delivered 100+ Islamic lectures and seminars across the globe, touching 15,000+ lives.
• Advanced the Knowledge of Allah ﷻ, Seerah and Islamic Finance through our impactful curriculum and initiatives.
• Partnered with renowned scholars to develop Zakat Fi Sabilillah.
Islamic Educational Program:
Offering a range of structured programs designed to deepen your connection to Allah, strengthen your faith and guide you on a trajectory of Islamic personal development, consisting of the following:
• Introducing Allah: In-Depth Knowledge of Allah 
Prophetic Seerah: Detailed study on the Life of Prophet 
• Fiqh of Worship: Salah, Zakat, Siyam, Hajj, Du'ā and more​​​​​​​

Developmental Program:
Money Matters
Guide to Islamic Personal Finance and Wealth
Provide Islamic financial literacy for those in need to improve their knowledge on money matters and empower them for the long-term.
Join Us
By contributing you become a member of Al Dinar. Not only will you support the cause and those in need, but you also gain access to our exclusive Islamic resources, to enrich your knowledge and development. Invest in the worship of Allah ﷻ and give the gift of Islam to the World. Let us uplift humanity and pave the way for the Worship of Allah.
Sponsor our Islamic programs today.​​​​​​​
Endorsed By Islamic Scholars
Shaykh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi, Alumni of Islamic University of Madinah
Shaykh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi, Alumni of Islamic University of Madinah
Shaykh Hafidh Muhammad Sharif, Senior Muhaddith of Pakistan.
Shaykh Hafidh Muhammad Sharif, Senior Muhaddith of Pakistan.
Professor Dr. Hammad Lakhvi, Dean of Islamic Studies at University of the Punjab.
Professor Dr. Hammad Lakhvi, Dean of Islamic Studies at University of the Punjab.
Usman Malik is the Founder of Al Dinar الدينار, an Islamic lecturer and economist. He is known for delivering insightful and interactive talks on Islam and Islamic affairs at institutes, organisations and universities.
His credentials include:
• Islamic Academia; Ongoing study with scholars globally
• Economics (First Class) from Manchester Metropolitan University and Social Entrepreneurship (Distinction) from the University of Oxford
• Research Thesis on Islamic Finance and Zakat
• Guest Lecturing on Islamic Economics at leading universities
• Strategic Advisor to Islamic organisations on Development
• Travelled to 15+ countries for conferences and charitable causes
• Serves as a Religious Guide for Pilgrimage of Hajj and Umrah
With a combination of Islamic background, academic excellence and real-world experience, Usman Malik strives to inspire and enrich diverse audiences globally.
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩: 
Support the cause by contributing monthly—and sponsor our programs to amplify the impact and be part of our journey. 
Your Donation Will Go Towards:
 Delivery of Islamic seminars reaching thousands  
• Training on Money Matters to those in need
• Personalised guidance on Islam to the youth
Change lives with knowledge, donate sincerely:

Al Dinar

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Jazak'Allahu Khair  Allah reward you, Ameen.
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Thank you and Jazak'Allahu Khayr.

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